How to Increase Brain Power Peacefully - Kazaki World


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How to Increase Brain Power Peacefully

Been watching the “Eureka” series, and was curious about Z-Waves and P-Branes.

Also, they had an episode where people in the town became critically dumb because of ingestion of genetically engineered chicken that was grown in pieces, being flooded with vircuculine under grow lights.

The scientist said that vircuculine was a GABBA blocker, and it was impairing the community’s intelligence.

So I made some research and came up with The Patterned Brain Wave

Now we going to talk on how to improve brain power with some very special ingredients that you can get,  starting our list is:


Alpha Glycerylphosphorylcholine (Alpha GPC) is thought to increase levels of acetylcholine in the brain.

Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter – chemical messengers that communicate between brain cells.

It is important for memory, learning and concentration, which is why it is known as the learning neurotransmitter. Alpha GPC has demonstrated such a strong ability to improve cognitive function, it is considered a possible treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.

In a 2013 study, Alzheimer’s patients given alpha GPC three times daily for 180 days demonstrated consistent improvements in cognitive function test scores, compared to those taking a placebo, who saw no change .
In another study, people with dementia given alpha GPC showed a ‘definite symptomatic improvement’ in psychometric tests after taking alpha GPC for 90 days .

An extract from the Chinese club moss plant, Huperzine-A is an acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitor. AChE breaks down the learning neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

By preventing acetylcholine levels from decreasing, Huperzine A creates a surplus of acetylcholine, which can lead to improved mental clarity, concentration and memory.

There are countless studies supporting the role of Huperzine in enhancing cognitive function and improving memory, most notably in relation to Alzheimer’s disease.
In a 1999 study, young adolescents given huperzine for 4 weeks demonstrated improved learning and memory performance compared to those taking a placebo .

And in one of many studies on huperzine and patients with Alzheimer’s, 58% of patients treated with huperzine showed improved memory , suggesting that huperzine could also have potential use for treating Alzheimer’s.


Derived naturally from Uncaria tomentosa, a vine that grows in the Amazon rainforest, Cat’s Claw is believed to have neuroprotective benefits.

It contains antioxidants, and can help improve your brain health and cognitive performance.

One study investigating the antioxidant and neuroprotective ability of Cat’s Claw found it was able to destroy different types of free radicals and protect against cell damage.

The researchers determined that Cat’s Claw could be used as possible prevention against Parkinson’s disease .


The indian herb Bacopa monnieri contains compounds called bacosides which are thought to help repair damaged neurons and promote new nerve growth.

This improves neuron communication with the brain, helping improve your cognitive function and mental performance.

This protective effect on neurons and nerves is why bacopa is yet another ingredients that has drawn interest over its potential as a dementia and Alzheimer’s treatment, and numerous studies have demonstrated its positive effects on cognitive function and age related cognitive decline.

In a 2005 Australian study, people taking a daily 300mg extract of Bacopa monnieri showed a significant improvement in memory tests after 12 weeks than those taking a placebo. 

Bacopa was also shown to have a significant effect on memory retention in a similar, placebo controlled study of 76 adults in 2002 .

And another study in 2008 showed that 12 week supplementation with Bacopi resulted in improved scores on a variety of cognitive assessments in elderly participants .


Also known as Avena sativa, Oat Straw comes from wild green oats and has been used as a brain booster in folk medicine since the Middle Ages.

Oat straw is believed to work by increasing alpha-2 waves in the brain – which are highly active during periods of wakefulness – as well as controlling inflammation within artery walls.

This increases blood flow to the brain, helping you feel more awake and alert.

A 2015 study gave volunteers either a placebo or 800mg green-oat extract (GOE) each day for six days and assessed their cognitive function with a range of computerised tasks.

Those taking GOA were able to complete timed tasks faster and also performed better in memory tasks .

Another study gave weekly doses of oat herb extract to elderly participants with below-average cognitive performance, after which they then performed significantly better on a test designed to measure attention, concentration and the ability to maintain task focus .


Found in green and black tea, L-theanine is an amino acid that can help relieve stress while stimulating neurotransmitters in the brain, creating a relaxed but alert feeling.
L-tyrosine, another amino acid, is involved in the manufacture of dopamine and noradrenaline; neurotransmitters that play a key role in mental alertness and focus, particularly in stressful situations.

As a result, L-tyrosine is thought to help improve cognitive performance by reducing the effects of stress and fatigue on performance and making it easier to remain focused.

A 2011 study showed that both attention and memory in volunteers significantly improved after they were given l-theanine and green tea extract for 16 weeks .
Another study investigating the effects of l-tyrosine on cognitive function found it improved cognitive flexibility (the brain’s ability to switch between thinking about one concept to another) when compared to a placebo .

Thinking of where and how you would get these, well worry no more  as today's lifestyle requires us to be alert, diligent and to manage everyday stress.

Unfortunately, our diets don’t always provide us with all the nutrients our brain requires to function at its peak but fortunately for us with proprietary testing to deliver you essential nutrients, coupled with the afore mentioned ingredients, NooCube, enabling you to improve your brain function and sharpen your mind.

You can get your own bottle via following the link below, Kazaki365 may receive a token upon your purchase  NOOCUBE

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